What You'll Discover in this Episode:
An Interview with Pastor David Shirley

Calvary Chapel Bible College. Murrieta, California (July 2019)
On today’s podcast, we are joined by special Guest Pastor Dave Shirley. Pastor Shirley is the vice president of the Calvary Chapel Bible College in Murrieta, CA. He also oversees the Bible college affiliate campus with the help of the staff at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. He will be joining us to discuss the sufficiency of Christ and the sufficiency of the scripture.
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Nothing better that I abide in Christ and He abides in me. The words Jesus speaks into heart go straight to my Spirit. Spiritual nature to the Word of God. Amen.
In this interview Pastor Shirley spoke with such a firm conviction about the sufficiency of scripture. I appreciated the concept of the Word as living and the ability of the word to grow and develop within the believer.Additionally the Holy Spirit becomes instrumental in bringing to us the benefits that are derived from reading and obeying the Word. He is the One who is our teacher, who uses the Word to correct, to instruct in righteousness, to reprove. After all it was the Holy Spirit who moved upon holy men to write the scriptures so that believers can depend on the Holy Spirit to reveal truth in scripture. The scripture is so powerful and piercing that it goes beyond the natural to reach soul and spirit and discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart.
I also appreciated when Pastor Shirley noted that the Bible has answers and how he used Jesus as an example of how he used scripture. He pointed his audience to the Word and He himself quoted scriptures. In this manner we should follow Jesus in learning how beneficial the Word of God is and how the scriptures provide answers to life.
We need the truth of scripture when we counsel in the body of Christ to exhort, edify and to comfort.Every believer has this ministry . While we may not realize it God has equipped us because He called us. That is a comforting thought.May God give us understanding and teach us how to rightfully divide the Word of Truth as we represent Him in the world today.
Another great episode! Thank you Pastor David Shirley for being open and sharing your insights about the sufficiency of the Scriptures. The word of God used to be held in much higher esteem than it is today. There are even some within Christian circles that believe the Old Testament is not necessary for New Testament believers.
While that is disconcerting, I found Pastor Shirley’s comments refreshing concerning the power of the Word. The Word of God is alive and has the power to transform lives. It was interesting to hear about his father’s challenge to attend a Bible college for one year. That one year had quite the impact on his life. That was due to his exposure to the word of God and its teachings.
This is further encouragement to continue holding fast to the word of God and not to the changing winds of popular psychology. No matter the situation, their is help within the Scriptures. If Jesus used it throughout His earthly ministry, perhaps we should avail ourselves of it also?
You’re right about a trend towards not reading the Old Testament in some parts of the church. It concerns me when I hear people indicated that the Old Testament is no longer relevant. Even when the New Testament quotes the Old Testament, it shows the relevancy of Genesis, Proverbs, Isaiah, Daniel, etc. We have much fuller picture of the Lord when we read the entire Bible, and the OT validates so much of Jesus’ teaching and purpose. I admit I spend more time in the NT and need more OT time, but as I read Moses and the prophets I am enormously blessed and better equipped. Let’s continue to hold the whole counsel of God is high esteem!
It is so true that we need to hold on to the word of God because everything else changes. Psychology changes and culture changes, but the truth of God’s word remains the same and will always change people’s lives.
It is so true that we need to hold fast to the Word of God and not be swayed by popular psychology. It is constantly changing while the Word of God is always true.
I am thankful for this podcast. I listened with interest about Pastor Shirley getting kicked out of school. Not that it ever happened to me. But should have. I wanted to hear his testimony. Isn’t it amazing that when we do something in our own thinking, which we may consider funny or a good prank it comes back to haunt. Especially when we are young and foolish. Using very few brain waves in our decision to do a prank. Then we face the consequences and they are painful. It so inspiring that Pastor Shirley relayed how the speaker/pastor the following morning brought the Word in such a way that Pastor Shirley went forward and was told of how God has plans for him if he will just submit. Isn’t it true that so many of us have a moment or time when God speaks directly into our lives with a word or statement that changes us forever. For me the word was “surrender” my life to Christ. After I did, my commitment to Christ was for always and forever. Just like Pastor Shirley I use my surrender experience in my testimony and have many times. It can touch peoples lives in a way leading to repentance and salvation. Once we are in the predicament and wonder if God can ever use us for good we can look to the testimony of Pastor Shirley as a living example that truly God can and will use us in capacities beyond what we could ever envision. This is an example of God’s faithfulness that we can relate to counselees in the midst of their pain.
It’s a blessing when simple truth’s of scripture are discussed as fact rather than conjecture or theory. Pastor Jeff and Pastor Dave spoke of the Word with assurance and clarity.
One of them said, “If He calls you, He will equip you.” It’s so true that we don’t have anything to offer God on our own that makes us the MVP of our ministries. Anything that we have to offer to God was already given to us by Him as a gift for His purposes.
I can definitely affirm that I have nothing to offer accept what God already gave me. In fact, they also said that “God is using bible college graduates around the world.” I graduated CCBC in Murrieta in December 2015. The Lord then called me to Northern California where I am serving as the pastor over a local Calvary Chapel. I had nothing to offer and nothing to make myself seem qualified, needed or exceptional except what God had equipped me with. He calls and uses His servants as He sees fit for His glory all at His timing without missing a step. God is so good to use us for counseling, teaching, and any ministry… and it all started when I began to learn and study God’s Word as a youth.
Thanks for sharing and God’s blessings and mercy to you and your church. You have the right attitude about serving and I pray you never lose it. We’re not called to anything God can’t or won’t equip us to do, but the frustration sets in when we’re the only ones doing it, or God’s not providing for a need in our timing. And as for us serving, I agree with the sentiment of your statement (I have nothing to offer) as long as we’re both understanding that all we have to offer is our obedience and our willingness to serve. We certainly don’t bring anything to the party that God “needs” to achieve his plan and purpose!
Two points in this weeks podcast struck me. The first was when they spoke of how, “His Word can go straight to our Spirit” and that we, “don’t understand it.” I have had this experience many times but one of the most memorable was when I was going through chemotherapy treatments. It was bad. I was physically sick and mentally drained. But one day a friend came and read the Word of God to me and we talked and talked about how good God was. As we spoke I felt my strength return and joy filled my soul. It could only be explained as God entering my Spirit. It was so amazing!!
Another point that Pastor Jeff and Pastor David spoke of was how we are equipped to search the scripture to find answers for people’s problems, but not only that, but the Word of God equipped Jesus with the answers he needed to respond to his critics. Knowing that Jesus used the same scriptures that are available for me to find the answers I need just brings me that much closer to my Lord!!
Great Podcast this week!
Matthew quoted the old testament scriptures often because he wanted to prove to His Jewish audience that Jesus was the Messiah. the Jews held the Bible as their highest authority, they believed it pointed to the coming Messiah, but they did not believe that Jesus was “the one”. this prophecy teaches that Jesus would not be this high profile messiah that the Jews were expecting but instead, he would come as a servant helping and healing – not leading battles of the war. the people expected a king and this particular quotation from Isaiah’s prophecy shows that He indeed is a king but a different kind of King. He put the cross before the crown, brings justice without arrogance, and everlasting victory all through himself. but as a servant, He brings hope and life by offering His own.
I don’t think there’s anyone that doesn’t need the reminder that Scripture, and Christ, are sufficient. I certainly know I do! Several very good Scripture references throughout the podcast, including Colossians 1 which speaks of the gospel bearing fruit and growing. It is Scripture and specifically the gospel message that wins souls and changes lives, not us. Scripture is sufficient. And the verse briefly referenced (Eph 3:20) that confirms God is able to do exceedingly or abundantly more than we can ask or imagine. Christ is sufficient.
One statement that was highlighted was “There is tremendous value in the word of God. If the Lord calls upon you, he will equip you and lead you to where you need to be.” I recall several times listening to a Chuck Smith teaching where he said if the Lord guides the Lord provides! Again, it’s a concept that I need to keep in mind so that I don’t get carried away in my flesh and assume I can or can’t do something, especially in my own strength. God is bringing me through a number of changes, always, and I have to trust Him and not me to get me where I need to be (Prov 3:5-6)
One final comment from pastor Shirley that caught my attention were his remarks about the “bruised reed”. I tried to play saxophone years ago, but I simply wasn’t disciplined enough and didn’t have a strong enough desire to see it through. But his illustration of breaking a bruised reed gave me a different way to view Matt 12:20. It breathed life into the verse and I’m confident I’ll remember it and likely draw from it in the future, so I’m grateful for that.
Wow. Great pocast!
The part that really reached my heart was at the end when pastor Dave shared that we do not even have the right to our emotions. A powerful testimony of what God Ezekiel to do. We are to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. Such surrender in servant ministry.
I also loved the reminder that the word of God has a spiritual nature to cut straight to the heart. This is a great encouragement to be always in it.
A few other impactful statements were that ” Jesus found his life in scripture.” And ” that we come to the word for reproof, correction, doctirine, and instruction.”
The word does so much more as well. But to think of coming to it for these four things found in 2 Tim 3:16-17 is powerful. That we can be cut and corrected because our hearts needs to be changed.
I also loved how Pastor Dave said that “Jesus found his life in scripture.” What an encouragement to us and a praise to God for His Word. It is sufficient not just for the church as a whole but for individuals who need to find their purpose, calling, answers and joy in Jesus. I am sure you remember Col 2:3 that says that in Jesus are hidden all treasures or resources of “wisdom and knowledge.” He has it all for us so that we can also find our lives in scripture as His children and redeemed ones. One of the greatest acts of God’s grace was to give us His Word.
Hannah, Those same words of Pastor Shirley rocked me too. We do not have the right to our emotions. I had to stop the podcast and think of that for a minute. I have depended on my emotions and thinking for so long. Those words cut to my heart. I needed to address if my life and even my faith are built upon the foundation of my emotions. Thank you for your insights. Jerry
I agree totally! The word of God is living and powerful, yet many of us (including me) will worship at the altar of our own intellect to try and “figure things out”. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 is a great reminder of the four-fold purpose of the Holy Spirit throughout our study of scripture.
My personal opinion is that the Word of God is no longer held in such a high esteem due to the rise of the “Christian book”. My local Christian bookstore (which is now closed down), used to have whole sections devoted to certain popular authors. Of course there was a section for the multitude of different Bibles. However, the sections with the most traffic and interest were those of popular Christian authors and not the Bible itself. Just a thought.
I love the analogy that scripture is the book ends of life. In our humanism we can get in the way. We need to trust Him and have faith. If we are in the Word of God, it will build our faith and we will be fully equipped. This message was very timely as I have made some significant changes lately where I am trusting the Lord fully to reveal the net steps. Being in the Word allows me to seek His guidance and build my faith on this journey. Pastor Shirley’s testimony is reassuring for all of us in different seasons that God can use us. We have to remember that it’s because He is sufficient and will equip us where we need.
The part that resonated for me was when Pastor David gave the counter point of the scripture Proverbs 3:5-6 where it says that “He will direct your path…” as being “He will not let you make a wrong decision.” This is, of course, dependent upon us relying upon Him alone for guidance. But to know that when we are faithful the Lord will not allow us to go astray. This gives even more significance to us abiding in His Word. It is not just wise but essential in our lives.
So true Victoria!
This hit me too. That as we are abiding we need not be afraid to take bold steps. He is steering us. There have definitely been times in the past that I feel it all relies on me to make the right decision. But he is so with us, so involved and knows how to catch his children. Psalm 23 “The lord is my shepherd.. he leads me beside still waters… Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you are with me.”
I agree the scripture is important in the beginning of our walk with God and all the way to the end. It is reassuring to hear that it is the bookends. It also really spoke to me, that we can be abiding in Him and his word and that God can use us because He is sufficient. Our inability or ability is not even relevant. It is our trust in His ability, His plan and His sacrifice that propels us in a thriving relationship with Jesus! Thank you for sharing.
I enjoyed the testimony of Pastor Shirley also. It is encouraging to know that even when we mess up, God’s purposes can still be fulfilled. I remember failing terribly in my first year in secular college. I came home defeated and depressed. Some may have thought that I would be consoled by my Christian parents. While they didn’t yell or scream, they also didn’t encourage.
It was at that lowest point that God reminded me of His abiding presence and love. From there, the rest is history and I am serving as an assisting pastor at my local church. The word of God still fascinates me and I hope I never grow tired of seeking Him more through the pages.
I marvel at what people go to in the Church rather than the Word of God for help and guidance. This living book we read and study opens up amazing possibilities for us if only we would heed its words and let it break and shape us away from the old to the new man and women in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Word that we give to others should be comforting and loving, not harsh, and uncaring. Pastor Dave demonstrates that so well with his gentle words and his passion to see others come to the place where he is, where the Word is all-sufficient for their lives to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus by His Word.
.2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” This is one of the key verses to know and understand the value of Scripture. As a Biblical counselor we need to see that the Bible contains all that we need to lead someone into an abundant life. Jesus said that the words the He spoke are life. Jesus continually went to the Word of God, His life was founded on scripture. How much more should our life be founded and directed in scripture. 1 Corinthians 14:3 says, “he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men.” Prophecy is to speak forth the Word of God, we are to speak words of edification, which is to build people up. We are also called to exhort one another, which is to call alongside. We are to comfort others and to weep when they weep and rejoice with those who are rejoicing. It is only by the word of God that a person is able to truly change from the inside out. It is also the word of God that equips us for every good work.
Kristie, thank you for your comments. They are spot on. I agree that as Biblical counselors we need to help, guide, edify, exhort and comfort the counselees. I like how you stated “that we need to lead someone into an abundant life”. That is what Christ has done for us. He has filled us with His life through the Word. As abundant life people we need to provide the abundant life opportunity to others.
This week’s Podcast is an interview with Pastor David Shirley by Pastor Jeff Christianson about the great things we loved to talk about & that is the sufficiency of Christ and the sufficiency of the scripture. So beautiful to know that Christ is sufficient for everything that we need in this life. The Word of God is how He brings His thoughts, His mind to our minds.
Pastor David Shirley; in sharing some of the richness of the sufficiency of Christ declared the words of 1 Peter 1:23 (having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever). He stated that the Word of God is so sufficient that it goes forth in line with Colossians 1:6; bears fruit for its self; develops & increases & grow for itself. What an exciting thing in the Scripture to renew our minds because, it’s going to do exceedingly more than we ever thought possible.
Pastor Jeff Christianson explained that in our humanness, we want to participate in so much but often times, we can’t get in the way & Pastor David Shirley explains that it’s the one thing that pleases the Lord, perhaps more than anything else, we can have that thing, to trust Him, have faith & without that faith, it’s impossible for us to really bring the joy that the Lord deserves.
Romans 10:17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
That faith is developed through the Word of God & it’s according to the will of God because it’s right in character with His nature & is in line with His will. He stated that there’s not better than to abide in the Word & have the Word abide in us. Pastor Jeff Christianson in agreement, recalled 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.).
Pastor Jeff Christianson reiterated that the Word of God is an equipping, living, alive, active Word, sharper than any two-edged sword, able to piercing, even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12).
Pastor David Shirley explains ‘how the Word can divide soul & spirit’; declaring the Words of Jesus (John 6:63 … The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.). he stated that God created us spirit, soul & body; & there’s something unique about the spiritual nature of the Word of God, stating that it goes beyond the regular communications that go through a process in our brains. It does that but goes through right to our spirits, reiterating the spiritual nature of the Word of God & truly, all Scripture is given by the inspiration of God, for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. He recalled an instant of his decision to study the Word of God years ago, in line with these four things that the Holy Spirit shows to us (doctrine, reproof, correction, instruction in righteousness2 Timothy 3:16.). he declared that the Bible, from Genesis to Revelations is filled with principles for living that the Holy Spirit wants to show us & we have to search it out.
Pastor Jeff Christianson continues in the interview with Pastor David Shirley, stating that we all, particularly his students & each & every one of us are being equipped as we search the Scriptures to find answers for people’s lives, asking Pastor David Shirley; how does the sufficiency of Scriptures speak into answers to people’s problems, good problems like, decision making in the will of God (e.g. in marriage plans, etc.)?
Pastor David Shirley declares that the Scripture has answers for life’s questions, stating that, it had the answer for Jesus Christ, for the very Son of God who declared several times that ‘it was according to what was written’ & Jesus went to a different place because it was in the will of God, it was written & sometimes Jesus will ask people ‘have ye not read?’. Jesus found His life in Scriptures & lived out everything that was written about Him in Scripture. The same thing happens with us, we are in the Word of God; daily throughout our lives & God has that way of directing us into the things that He planned before the foundations of the world that we should work in them. This comes through spending time with God, even into His Word, been serious about studying the Word (2 Timothy 2:15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.).
Pastor David Shirley stated as we study the Word of God & walk with Him, all of a sudden, things will begin to change, directions change & we look back with amazement.
The crux of this week’s Podcast is about the sufficiency of Christ and the sufficiency of the scripture.
Okay, I have a very strange sense of humor. The first thing that popped into my mind when Pastor Dave Shirley said he got kicked out of Bible College was the story of Marley and Me. Here is this dog that is apparently so pathetic, that people that do nothing but train dogs for a living kicked Marley to the curb and gave up on him as a lost cause.
I am so grateful for the grace and mercy of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. If He gave up on me as easily as I give up on others, I would be lost for all of eternity. Praise Jesus that while He may have met me where I was, He didn’t leave me there.
One of the most powerful things that hit me while listening to this podcast was how powerful the Word of God is. Many things can touch us at a surface level, but only God and His Word can penetrate our hearts and change us spiritually, which is what we need in order to go out and share the Good News with a lost world.
Kevin, good word. My Pastor used to say to me, “Ron, as you teach the people if it does not change you, it will never change them.” This Word that is thousands of years old is still changing people and helping people share that hope with others. My prayer is that as I serve God and the people, I would never forget it’s power.
I agree with you that one of the many amazing points from this podcast was about the Word of God’s power and how it penetrates our heart. Through that, we will be changed. I agree that this is what we need to be able to witness to others and help bring people to a saving knowledge of Christ.
I appreciate your pulling from Marley and Me. I had not thought of that movie for a while but now that you mention it, it’s a creative way to think of how we all should be cast to the curb! But it also is a great reminder that God has not done that, that He still loves us and redeems us out of our sinful life into his perfect light. It does give us a wonderful view of our Father and His love for us. And I also appreciate and relate to your statement that “if He gave up on me as easily as I give up on others, I would be lost for all of eternity”. Yes, that’s me as well, and probably many others can relate to your comment. Thanks for the words!
Great analogy! I am also thankful that God didn’t give up on me and leave me where I was! But as was spoken in the podcast, we must also remember that it is our active abiding in Him and the Word that allows God to continually pour His grace and mercy upon us. As it says in Proverbs 3:4-5 we are not to lean on our own understanding. When we do, just as Pastor David said, He is not able to direct our path. It is only when we are relying on Him….fully relying on him, that He is able to direct us. This is why it is so important to be in His Word everyday.
I agree. The Lord uses the “lost causes” to do His work. Pastor Dave mentioned the verse about Christ that says “a bruised reed He will not break.” This verse would seem so strange and random to many people, even believers. But, the Lord used it to speak to Pastor Dave of His mercy, grace and offer of a second chance to use him in ministry. It’s amazing to think of how far we come and how much we change when we submit to the Word of God for the glory of Jesus Christ.
Hi Kevin-
Funny you mentioned Marley and Me. I work with a guy who’s best friend growing up with the “real” Marley and Me guy, the journalist who owned the dog and then wrote the book.
I like what you said about the power in God’s Word. That impacted me as well – how Dr. Shirley mentioned how getting into the Word allows the Word to get into you. It has, unlike any book, transforming power as the Holy Spirit applies the Word to our lives. Amen.
What a great conversation between Pastor Jeff Christianson and Pastor David Shirley. I was encouraged to hear the reemphasis on Scripture in a few ways.
1) The Word of God is abiding and living (Colossians 1) – it develops fruit for itself, and it continues to grow within us. This is a remarkable yet true statement. Dr. Shirley contends that the Word does so much more for us then we could ever imagine.
2) Without faith it’s impossible for us to bring joy, but if we’re in the Word of God that joy will be produced within us. Shirley says quotes the Word in his point that, “‘Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God,’ so faith is developed through the Word of God and then it’s according to the Word of God because it’s in character with His nature.”
I feel it’s truly a miracle how Scripture gets “in us” as we get into it. We become changed – completely without our own strength and abilities.
3) I loved the story of Pastor Shirley being called by God with the help of his dad. His dad had enough wisdom to know if his son spend some time in the Word at bible college, it would change his life (and the direction of his life). Shirley wanted to play music, but dad convinced to try bible college for a year – fully paid and supported – but if Shirley didn’t, he’d have to fund his own life. He accepted the deal, and sure enough: As he got into the Word, the Word got into him! The Bible goes “right to your spirit… it even brings health.”
4) There is a section where they discussed the equipping and practical benefits of scripture, where every precept needed for life is in the Bible. Part of my daily reading has been in Proverbs lately, and I have found very practical bites of wisdom that can change my day. For example, 12:16 says, “The vexation of a fool is known at once, but the prudent ignores and insult.” I used that this week – decided to look beyond what could be construed as insult and was able to deal with the better issue – loving the person instead of becoming “vexed” about words.
2 Timothy 3:16,17 speaks of doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction. Shirley says that from Genesis to Revelation the bible is filled with principles the Holy Spirit wants to show us.
Again, “Christ is sufficient for everything we need in this life!”
I also loved the principle Pastor Shirley learned from being initially kicked out of bible college and learning a tough lesson, being “bruised” from his experience. He was restored and learned the value of Matthew 12:20, “A bruised reed he will not break.”
Hello Tom! Thanks for your comment. I agree wholeheartedly with your comment regarding the bible being filled with principals the Holy Spirit wants to show us. Isn’t it wonderful that all of the solutions to our issues are listed in the bible! I also think that Pastor Shirley’s story about his dad was very inspiring. He really takes us us through his journey of how he was called by God to teach. What a fantastic interview!
from Genesis to Revelations is filled with principles for living that the Holy Spirit wants to show us & we have to search it out.
Pastor Jeff Christianson continues in the interview with Pastor David Shirley, stating that we all, particularly his students & each & everyone of us are being equipped as we search the Scriptures to find answers for people’s lives, asking Pastor David Shirley; how does the sufficiency of Scriptures speak into answers to people’s problems, good problems like, decision making in the will of God (e.g. in marriage plans, etc.)?
Pastor David Shirley declares that the Scripture has answers for life’s questions, stating that, it had the answer for Jesus Christ, for the very Son of God who declared several times that ‘it was according to what was written’ & Jesus went to a different place because it was in the will of God, it was written & sometimes Jesus will ask people ‘have ye not read?’. Jesus found His life in Scriptures & lived out everything that was written about Him in Scripture. The same thing happens with us, we are in the Word of God; daily through out our lives & God has that way of directing us into the things that He planned before the foundations of the world that we should work in them. This comes through spending time with God, even into His Word, been serious about studying the Word (2 Timothy 2:15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.).
Thanks Kia, for your response on how the Bible is filled from Genesis to Revelations is filled with principles for living that the Holy Spirit wants to show us & we have to search it out. Pastor Jeff Christianson continues in the interview with Pastor David Shirley, stating that we all, particularly his students & each & every one of us are being equipped as we search the Scriptures to find answers for people’s lives. Pastor David Shirley declares that the Scripture has answers for life’s questions, stating that, it had the answer for Jesus Christ, for the very Son of God who declared several times that ‘it was according to what was written’ & Jesus went to a different place because it was in the will of God, it was written & sometimes Jesus will ask people ‘have ye not read?’. Jesus found His life in Scriptures & lived out everything that was written about Him in Scripture. The same thing happens with us, we are in the Word of God; daily throughout our lives & God has that way of directing us into the things that He planned before the foundations of the world that we should work in them. This comes through spending time with God, even into His Word, been serious about studying the Word (2 Timothy 2:15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.).
Thanks Tom for your comment on this week’s Podcast, an interview with Pastor David Shirley by Pastor Jeff Christianson on the sufficiency of Christ and the sufficiency of the scripture; particularly on your highlight on 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.).
This is so applicable to us that it provides guidance & answers to life’s problems like it did for Jesus (making us profitable for doctrine, reproving us, correcting us, instructing us in righteousness: That we may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.).
Tom, thanks for pointing out the Word brings Joy. So much of the things of the world are trying to convince young people that they will be happy with the latest whatever, and that joy will come when they get tons of likes on their social media page. The joy that comes from God’s word is greater than all of what the world is pushing.
I have learned that the Word of God is sufficient for everything and of course it was learned the hard way as I tend to learn on my own understanding. Learning from God’s word guides us, comforts us and it will keep us on His path. I agree that the principle where Pastor Shirley is kicked out f Bible College was a pivotal moment for him in his walk with the Lord and how he will not break us. I am so thankful that He doesn’t break us but will guide us where we need to be.