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159: Contending For The Faith


What You'll Discover in this Episode:

159: Contending For The Faith

This episode will be a biblical study of the exhortation in Jude, "to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints; for certain men have crept in unnoticed." There are unbiblical movements within the Christian church world (as distinct from those cults and false religions that are outside the church). 

We will be:

  1. Reminded how important it is for our beliefs to be in line with Scripture,
  2. Warned there have always been, and will always be, those in the churches who teach contrary to God's Word, and
  3. Urged to engage (properly) in the battle to establish, protect, and proclaim a biblical Christianity.

We invite you to listen to the full episode of the Biblical Counseling Podcast with Jeff Christianson!

  • Ann-Louise Graham says:

    1.) I appreciated what you said about the fact that contending is not being contentious. And that we dont need to look for a fight we are already in one. And every Christian that’s ever lived has been in the same battle.
    2.) I also like the fact that ALL saints are called to this battle and it’s not optional.
    3.) In terms of biblical counselling this is critical for a number of reasons…in many ways some Christians are out of the battle because they are dealing with their own problems. We help them get back on their feet. And also it’s really important we can speak to people about what they are listening to and reading. Is it scriptural?!

  • Velma Knapp says:

    This was a good Podcast. Sometimes we don’t think about defending “The Faith”. But after this study, we see how important it is. Jeff talked about these untruths creeping into our bookstores, Podcast, and even our pulpits. It’s sad when we walk into a Christian bookstore and realize how many books are there that are not really based on the Word of God. Some are just motivational speakers. It’s all about making money, not getting the real truth from God’s Word.
    It is very important to examine the Scriptures as it said in Acts 17:11b…and (they) examined the Scriptures everyday to see if what Paul said was true. Otherwise, how do you know what is true and what is not true.
    When we defend the faith, we should speak the truth in love as they were told to do in
    Ephesians 4:15.

  • Ilene Hayes says:

    Pastor Jeff mentioned that there are people who don’t know that they are in opposition to God, and I couldn’t agree more. I once met with a young lady that grew up in a church that was not teaching scripture accurately, and it wasn’t until this young lady grew up and searched the scriptures herself that the Holy Spirit opened her eyes to see the truth of God’s word.

  • Joycelyn Hoyte says:

    With the advancement in technology, education, knowledge on a whole has opened for the Church some serious attacks against the Scriptures. Pastor Jeff is right in identifying the subtle ways in which error is creeping into the Church. Christians are more lazy when it comes to studying the Bible and we find it easy to log in to the internet for sermons and teachings that we do not evaluate and test according to scripture. If we cannot detect what are the defining marks of a genuine dollar it’s difficult to identify a counterfeit. This is where the church is now. If we don’t know the Truth of Scripture then we can’t tell when we are being deceived, when we have wolves in sheep clothing, when we have counterfeits in the pulpits. We all have a ministry indeed to contend for the faith to be able to expose and warn against false teaching. I want to be as the Bereans, receiving the word with readiness of mind but searching the scriptures daily whether those things were so. ( Acts 17:11)

    • Ann-Louise Graham says:

      You are right and this is the challenge in our culture to study the word instead of passively being ‘fed’ by dubious sources. The enemy knows it. We should too.

  • Angela Shaffer says:

    I always remember as a youth when my parents would take me shopping at the Bible bookstore. They would want to check what it was that I wanted. It was always told to me that just because it is in a Bible bookstore, that does not mean that it speaks 100 percent truth. We have to be in the Word continuously. Satan knows scripture and he knows how to twist it. We need to be able to recognize what is true and to be ready to stand up for that truth. Jesus never argued, but always answered back in truth. This is what I strive for. God is still working on me because I am a personality that tends to feed on confrontation. I have to turn that over to Him each day and ask Him to continually change my heart and help me to respond as He would.

    • Velma Knapp says:

      Angela, thank you for sharing. I too used to be confrontational about “The Faith”. But one day I lost a good friend because of my discussions with her husband. Even if we know we are right, it’s how we handle the situation. I learned a good lesson that day, that I will never forget. Thank you again for the reminder.

    • Ann-Louise Graham says:

      Exactly to know it. And then stand up for it. Difficult to do. But in the one on one ministry it becomes critical to expose the false beliefs people have about God and his word.

  • Timothy Graham says:

    There is absolutely been an encroaching acceptance of false teaching steadily growing in the American church (and I’m sure elsewhere as well). As it was pointed out, this is nothing new, as even Jesus while he was with the disciples warned them to be vigilant. We have been given the warning, and have been provided stories of other believers who heeded it.

    It is truly encouraging and inspiring to hear the example of the Bereans; and to recognize that it is our responsibility to hold, not only each other but, our teachers accountable to the truth of scripture. To daily hold whatever we hear, no matter how “reliable” the source, up to the word to verify and challenge it. Then to act accordingly.

  • Ken Rutz says:

    I appreciate brother Jeff’s exhortation to contend earnestly for the faith which was ONCE FOR ALL delivered to the saints. In addition to standing for the truth is the thought of the finality of the truth. Our faith was delivered “once for all” to the saints. It is not, as some would contend, an open, changing and evolving Word of God. The record and Canon of scripture is complete and within its pages are admonitions and warnings to that effect Rev. 22:18,19; 1Cor.15:3; 2Tim.3:16; Matt.5:17; 2Pet.3:16 and Jude 3. In addition to these verses is the universal recognition of Apostolic authorship of our current Canon. The implications of these scriptures and conclusions comes to bear on the SUFFICIENCY of the scriptures and Jesus (within our current 66 books) for ALL OUR FAITH AND CONDUCT…..
    in the pulpit and the counseling venue, as well.

  • Serena Chavez says:

    “Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.”
    ‭‭Jude‬ ‭1:3‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

    When I listened to this podcast, it 1) reminded me that we are to take a stand and stand firm on Gods Word.
    The truth always prevails and always pushes through in all situations. We need true faith and trust and knowing God will move in all of it, and keep us strengthened as we search HIS Scriptures.
    2) The Word of age does not need defending, but contending.
    As believers we will come across people that will want to argue the Bible or better yet, mis-read scripture and twist it. My husband and I recently met with someone whom my husband has ministered to in the past, he was so bent on religion and talking non sense but using the Word of God to back up his overly aggressive political views he has been shown through a popular church, I told him “Gods Word does not need any adding too or Defending, and that once someone is getting defensive, the witness shown to the other person starts to become unattractive. We as believers in a Christ are to always seek HIS truths, and stand on those truths, seeking nothing more then the whole word of God. Just like the Bereans whom searched the scriptures daily.
    Thank you Pastor Jeff for this podcast.

    I recently had a conversation

    • Ken Rutz says:

      Amen! The Word of God does not need my defense. However, the Lord does exhort us in 1Peter 3:15 to be ready to give a defense (Apologia – from which we get the English word apologetics) to EVERYONE who asks you a REASON for the hope that is in you, with gentleness and reverence.

    • Angela Shaffer says:

      Being in God’s word is absolutely crucial to be able to recognize those false teachings. I am always careful when someone has a book or video they want me to watch. It all needs to be brought under the microscope of the Word.

      • Joycelyn Hoyte says:

        You are so right Angela. We must bring all books, videos and teachings under the microscopic lens of scripture. We must definitely apply the scripture of 1st John 4:1 to test the spirits because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Even though scripture is being preached it can be taken out of its context and be a source of false teaching. We are definitely called to walk circumspectly, be vigilant and watchful.

  • JD says:

    Excellent message! Thank you! I am reminded of Psalm 101 verse 8. One of my favorite verses!

    • Serena Chavez says:

      I love when the podcasts are packed with Scripture to refer back to.
      Jude 3
      Matthew 7:1
      Matthew 7:15
      Matthew 16:6
      2 Timothy 1:13
      Romans 16:17
      2 Timothy 2:24
      Ephesians 4:15
      1 Timothy 6:20

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