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175: The Indwelling Of The Spirit


What You'll Discover in this Episode:

175: The Indwelling Of The Spirit

In this episode, Pastor Jeff talks continues his discussion about the Holy Spirit. Share your thoughts in the community section below. 

  • Kimberly Zirkle says:

    Thank you, Pastor Jeff for this wonderful teaching. There are several key truths that appealed to me during this podcast. One that really stood out for me was when you said, ‘It is the learning to grow in the newness of life’. It’s truly a battle in the minds of some of GOD’S people. I dare say most of GOD’S people; that we are new creatures. To meditate on 2 Corinthians 5:17 and to allow these words to penetrate our total being is vital. The indwelling of The HOLY SPIRIT is not a visitation. To wrap our minds around “ALL THINGS HAVE BECOME NEW”. Is a miraculous feet within itself. The CHRIST given change by The HOLY SPIRIT is the indwelling. And learning to grow in that newness is vital for ALL Christians (followers of CHRIST). When receiving JESUS as our LORD and SAVIOR, it is also when The HOLY SPIRIT comes and dwells in us. That is when the change takes place. The Indwelling – mind, will, emotions – are ALL made new. Christians come for Biblical Counseling because they want change. They want whatever is wrong, made right. The heart of the matter is, IT HAS BEEN DONE. It is difficult to hold on to that truth sometimes while living in the world. Learning to grow in The Newness of Life. We must realize, recognize and know that the Body Of CHRIST (followers of CHRIST) have The HOLY SPIRIT – The WORD of TRUTH; and that the world does not.

  • Michelle Chavis says:

    Before I was saved I heard about Born again Christians and had a negative idea about them being extremists. But when I started reading the Bible and read you must be born again , I understood why they called people born again Christians and this contributed to me then believing that the Bible was true

  • Joe Banes says:

    I really love Ezekiel 36:27 because it’s such a great promise. He will put His Spirit in us and cause us to walk in His statutes. In His Word. Of course there is an act of our will to choose to obey the Word, but as we accept the Holy Spirit in our lives and trust Him, He will cause us to walk the right way. He will make us that new creation you mentioned. So awesome and amazing. John 14:16 also echoes that to me because it says the Father will send us another Helper. In John 14:26 it’s echoed again, that the Helper, the Holy Spirit, will teach us all things and bring the Word to our remembrance. I love that consistency between the Old and New Testament. The Spirit was always working, but now He lives inside of us. So it is so true that first we have to bring people to that renewing relationship in Jesus to receive new life in the Spirit, then there is a great foundation of peace to build on.

    • Kimberly Zirkle says:

      What an excellent insight. Sometimes The WORD is so easy and at other times great meditation is required. I love when it ALL comes together. Even the old with the new.

  • Doretha Jones says:

    Thank you again for the sound teaching of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit! I also believe that God created triunity humans, and would love more on the topic.
    I also appreciated your example of a prisoner accepting Christ-truly a new creation but in the physical time/space of earth there will be consequences but spiritually a new creation.
    Actually whether in or out of an actual prison, every believer has been spiritually freed from the prison of sin! Glory be to a Saving, Loving God!

    • Joe Banes says:

      It’s an interesting example because I’ve met many people who were found by Jesus in prison and told me that it wasn’t until they were physically imprisoned that they realized how imprisoned they were spiritually. I love how the Father can draw people in their lowest places through the Holy Spirit to true freedom. John 8:36, whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

      • Kimberly Zirkle says:

        So true. A pastor once told me that we are like fish out of water. Until we stop flopping around and come close to death, then GOD can get a hold of us and put us back where we belong. IN HIM! Then we can live.

  • Lorna Usery says:

    Another super lesson on the Holy Spirit’s work in a believer’s life! I’m reminded of all the “religious” people out there that try so hard to talk the talk and walk the walk but just like in 2 Timothy 3:5 – “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” I have in the past few months become acquainted with a Christian lady. We were becoming very good friends it seems. I shared with her I was taking a Biblical Counseling class to get a certificate. Next thing I know I’m getting invitations to “fun get togethers to discuss this topic or that topic for helping to counsel others.” I then found out she had just graduated with her degree in psychology and thought it would be fun to bounce ideas off of each other. I had prayed about it and felt the Holy Spirit was impressing on me that it was something I should stay away from, because of that scripture.
    I like your explanation between correlation and cross-reference. That was helpful. Two other things made an impact on me. First, the Holy Spirit’s roll in the Old Testament and the New Testament and hope in the New Covenant a person has hope because of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to cause the person to walk in His statutes. Second, I too want to put sticky notes in places that will remind me that it is another day to be obedient to live, walk, be set apart to the service of God by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

  • Timothy Graham says:

    Heard an analogy a few years ago from a pastor (I don’t remember which one, or what his name was): He said basically, (paraphrasing) Imagine that you were walking around and you had a bird or pet perched on your shoulder. Would you walk differently knowing and feeling that pet on your shoulder? Would you walk slower? More directly? With gentler steps and more cautious footing? What if you imagined that that is how the Holy Spirit rests on the people of God? How would you walk differently?

    The reality is that the Holy Spirit is in a much more influential location of our being; within every part of us. Yet, as we remain on this side of eternity and cannot yet attain full sanctification because we still have free will and are bound to our flesh.

    It is important to remember the incredible gift that the Spirit is; the very presence of God, living within us.

    • Doreth says:

      I like the analogy and am awed by the fact that God came down AGAIN!! In the for of the Holy Spirit to help me live a life I couldn’t on my own!!

  • Kayla Morgan says:

    I do appreciate how Jesus cut right to the heart of what Nicodemus came seeking for. I think he wanted to see the kingdom of God, he was expecting it – and Jesus didn’t hide it from him. I also like how John 20:22 reminded me of when God created Man – God breathed into his nostrils and the man came to life. I don’t think I quite grasp the depth of the Holy Spirit being indwelt inside me. Do I believe He is there? Yes – I often feel a strange pull on my heart when I pray or worship or even meditate on the greatness of my God. But I don’t think I grasp the depth and the nature of Him inside me, being able to give me all heavenly or spiritual gifts from Christ. Hm. I do know that without Him, I wouldn’t be the person I am today!

    • Michael Reynolds says:

      Hi Kayla, I understand what you are saying about being able to grasp the depth of the Holy Spirit. His influence is so deep and wide like God’s grace and Jesus love for us. The influence that He has on us is great whether we notice it or not. But when we pay special attention to the works He is doing in our daily walk it is mind blowing and hard to wrap our heads around. Thank God for a gift as special as the Holy Spirit.

    • Doretha Jones says:

      I’m not sure any human can fully grasp the depth of the Immortal God, we still have the truest reality to experience when we see and worship Him face to face! We will no longer see through the mirror dimly – oh what a day of rejoicing awaits the child of God!!

  • Don Knapp says:

    Jeff made a comment in his podcast that if he had been born again in the jail cell the human judge would not have let him out even though he was a new man. The human judge might not have let him out of jail but the Holy Spirit would have given him a whole new purpose while he was in jail. It made me think that we are all in a jail cell before we are born again. Our heavenly Father the judge lets us out of jail and the Holy Spirit gives us a new lease on life, 2 Cor 5:17. People who come for counseling have sometimes been in a physical jail and we always need to remember that the key for them and for us to help them is being born again. Thanks Jeff for the great reminders.

    • Kayla Morgan says:

      That is a wonderful picture, Don. Even to support that idea, Jesus Christ comes in and pays the Judge our bail and the Holy Spirit gets the adoption papers, haha! I have always used Romans as a way of explaining my own testimony. Being enslaved (or imprisoned) by Sin and Death and I couldn’t get out, it was God alone who came down and rescued me from my bondage. That is the greatest hope for all people. Please pray that I share it with great humility and gentleness to others around me.

    • Michael Reynolds says:

      Your right Don, it is exactly like being in a jail cell before we are saved and some of us were so comfortable in that cell we would only put one foot out of the cell. Before we would run out of that cell to fully surrender ourselves and pick up our crosses to follow after our Lord and Savior.

    • Lorna Usery says:

      I agree, Don. Also, I think it’s very important we as counselors don’t judge a person because of their past. It’s so easy to put a person in a “gay” box or “addict” box or “adulterer” box, etc, when God has delivered them from that “whatever” box and as the scripture says in 2 Cor 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” and Gal. 6:15 “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.”

  • Mike Reynolds says:

    Having our slates wiped clean is a beautiful and overwhelming experience. Thanks be to God for his mercy and grace! I am very thankful for the gift of the Holy Spirit indwelling in me. The guidance of Him helps me to see the world from God’s perspective. In tough situations He gives the strength to love everyone as they were created. When the flesh creeps into our daily lives the Spirit guides us to back to the truth and life.
    This podcast was a great reminder of the perspective that some church groups hold on the Holy Spirit. It weighs heavy on my heart that not every believer believes in the indwelling of Him.

    • Kayla Morgan says:

      Aman, Mike! I love Paul’s words when talking to the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) he says they used to be Idolaters, adulterers, thieves, and slanderers, but you have been washed, sanctified, and justified in the name of Jesus Christ. One of my most relatable Scriptures with the hope that I often cling to. It is wonderful to be washed by the blood and Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Angela Shaffer says:

    We never meant to walk this life alone. The Holy Spirit brings hope and strength to face each day. I can get so caught up in the negative things around me, that I need to stop and remember that those things do not have to weigh me down. God has given me everythIng I need, through His Holy Spirit to walk through this life in victory, even in my darkest moments.

    • Don Knapp says:

      Angela I could not agree with you more. We never walk alone. As Jeff pointed out the Holy Spirit is always indwelling with us.

      • Lorna Usery says:

        I also agree with you Angela. And I know you’ve had some dark moments. Praise God He has given us the Holy Spirit to get us through them.

    • Joe Banes says:

      Yeah, this reminds me of when Jeff was talking about what we think about when we first wake up. Do we stop and consider all that the Holy Spirit has done and the potential of what He could do in this new day? Or do we instantly begin to plan our own day and think about all we have to do? The cares of this world try to drown us out. The parable of the sower in Matthew 13 comes to mind. I know it’s mainly talking about that initial seed, but I believe God is constantly depositing seed in us that He wants to grow into greater levels of our walk with Him in order that the Kingdom can be glorified in greater ways. The enemy is always trying to steal from us and setting our first “fruits” before Him each morning is a great way to cast off those weights. Psalm 23 says He’ll cause us to walk beside quiet waters, but we can walk away if we follow our own plans or set our mind on those negative thoughts like you said. I can struggle with that too, but the more I remember to cast my cares on Him, the easier it gets to do so each time. It is great that we don’t have to walk alone.

  • Anita Hammond says:

    I find it amazing how many denominations create their own version of the purpose of the Holy Spirit, the actions of the Holy Spirit, and how the Holy Spirit interacts with us. My experience is when (once upon a time) people started being ‘touched’ by the Spirit and dancing, being distracting, no interpreter for speaking in tongues, my belief if that there is a spirit involved, just not our Holy one. But that’s me. When that happened, to me, it was not about God but about man and what man was doing.

    God is not distracting, or chaos. He gives His instruction clearly, and repeats several times what His instruction is. The Holy Spirit guides us in this understanding, bringing wisdom. He convicts us of wrong-doing, but also shows us through His Word the righteous way. We have to be teachable in spirit, receptive to His directions, sensitive to His presence, and humble to follow. Holy Spirit lead me, Jesus teach me, and God forgive me.

    Good and encouraging word Pastor Jeff!

    • Angela Shaffer says:

      Anita your comment really resonated with me. As a child I grew up in a Pentecostal church that unless I spoke in tongues the Holy Spirit was not in me. I love your comment that God is not distracting or chaos. Chaos is what I felt as a child when being told that it was the working of the Spirit. It never sat right with me.

  • Kristen Greer says:

    The kingdom is personal, and its entrance requirements are repentance and spiritual rebirth; it’s life-changing. Jesus later taught in Luke17:21 that God’s kingdom had already begun in the hearts of believers.
    This is refreshing because Jesus sent the Holy Spirit so His spiritual presence would still be among us, Jesus living in us as believers.
    Being indwelt with the Holy Spirit gives a whole new way to look at life. He reveals more to us as we study and walk In his ways. Having the Spirit in you will empower us to serve God and do his will.

    • Anita Hammond says:

      Hi Kristen, yes! Being indwelt does give us a whole new way of looking at life and the situations it brings. I often wonder how people without Christ get through their very difficult situations. And yes! The Holy Spirit does give us strength, wisdom and courage to do as God commands. He points out when our will is trying to drive our life and we are being rebellious to towards the Lord. Boy, if you want a challenge, just put that out there in the universe that you want to live for God and it’s His will, not yours. We can all testify to this challenge! Good word Kristen!

  • This is a great episode to share how the Holy Spirit works through us, in us, and is our helper. When we are born again, we receive the Holy Spirit and now have those convictions that we may not have had before. We have this helper to help us navigate through our lives.

    • Doretha Jones says:

      Many times the conviction of the Holy Spirit surprises me, it’s not my “thinking”, it’s supernatural, full of love, gentleness and kindness, not charactoristics I naturally have.

  • Ann-Louise Graham says:

    This is such and important study in relation to Biblical counselling and the Christian life. Because this is the heart – arguably- of the Christian faith. How to walk worthy.
    And isn’t it amazing that just as we cant save ourselves neither is sanctification by the flesh. And yet I agree we so very often try to do exactly that with disastrous consequences.
    And yes this is why there is a monumental difference between biblical and psychological counselling. One is by the word and Spirit of God. The other by man’s philosophy.
    But ultimately the message of biblical counselling is so uplifting and powerful because we all have this perfect person who can and will guide us into truth. The perfect resource, so to speak, is there. The challenge, as you say, is to die to flesh and magnify the Spirt by Gods grace.

    • Great insights. When we think about picking up our crosses daily, I think it’s easy to not really adjust our hearts to what this means. To deny ourselves and our flesh as you mentioned. The gravity of Jesus picking up His cross and then being crucified for our sins is a lot to meditate on. Thank you for posting!

    • Anita Hammond says:

      Good points Ann-Louise. I remember being born again and the things I thought were funny before were then revealed as offensive to God in my spirit. Things I tried to do in my own might were disastrous due to leaning on my own understanding. We may stand for a bit in that but eventually, we fail. But God…

  • Yvonne Howe says:

    In the podcast you quoted John 20:22 “And with that he breathed on them and said ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’.” This is such a powerful image not just because of what was said and what was received, but most importantly because of who said it. He is the one we read of in Genesis 1 as he spoke all creation into being. In Genesis 2:7 he breathed into Adam the breath of life and the man became a living being. There are references to the power of His breath all the way through to Revelation.
    I am in awe again as I ponder the power of our creator God in Genesis 1 and His life-giving breath in Genesis 2:7. I am humbled and very grateful for the breath of His living-giving Spirit in John 20:22.
    Jeff, you mentioned your desire in your life to remember daily the power of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to empower us to live for God. Thank you for the reminder today of necessity of the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives. Psalm 103:1-5 “…Praise the Lord all my soul and forget not all his benefits.”

    • Anita Hammond says:

      Hi Yvonne, interesting you talk about breaths. I have a sticky note on my computer that says, “All breaths are numbered.” I can’t remember who said that as I didn’t put that info down. I think it was Howard Eyrich. But the word ‘breath’ is very important to the Lord. He breathed life into us. Yes, many mentions of breath all throughout the Bible. Good word!

  • Landon Galvan says:

    1 Thessalonians 5:19 do not quench the spirit.

    Ephesians 4: 23 and be renewed in the spirit of your mind,
    24 and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.

    Jeff thanks for the practical insight of something as simple as a sticky note to remind ourselves walk in the Spirit today .

    It’s so awesome you were talking about correlation today because this morning my devo was in numbers 21 and then I listen to your podcast talking about nicodemus and talk about correlation…. Jesus takes nicodemus to the story I read about in numbers 21:4-9.
    Just like Moses lifted the serpent so to the Son of Man must be lifted up.

    And it made me think how powerful it would have been if or when Nicodemus saw Jesus dying on the Cross … talk about a clean slate and being made new I don’t know how Nicodemus would not have been born again after that if He wasn’t already.

    Do you think Nicodemus was saved?

    • Hi Landon, that is a great question about whether Nicodemus was saved.

      As I read through John 3 again, since he visited Jesus at night, I would take it as Nicodemus did not want to be seen talking with Jesus, and so at that point a non-believer.

      But as you mentioned, seeing Jesus die would have had a great impact on his life if he was not saved up to that point. Jesus told him he would be lifted up and he was, on a cross. So great question friend.

      • Landon Galvan says:

        Thanks Chris,
        It seems likely he would have met out of fear but he did seem to be humble and sincere.
        Have you ever heard that during that time period the Jewish people would often fellowship at night because the climate was nice? ( I vaguely remember hearing that maybe a bible study.) Also I heard that the Jewish people considered it spiritual to read the scripture late into the night .
        I honestly am not sure but I enjoy hearing about the customs and thoughts of the time.
        Thanks for the response brother.
        God Bless you!

    • Anita Hammond says:

      Hi Landon, it is a great question about Nicodemus. He was a Pharisee. He was also at Calvary the day Jesus was crucified. We know this because of John 19:38-39. He was with Joseph of Arimathea, attending to Jesus body. It was taboo for a Pharisee to tough a dead body. We don’t know that Nicodemus did, but to be associated with this death of a man the Pharisees wanted dead, well, it was stepping out into the light for all to see how he felt about Jesus. I personally believe that he loved Jesus and he believed Jesus. We only know a little bit of the conversation they had. I don’t believe it was written down in its entirety. Also, this action was written for all eternity. We know about it. The Pharisees had to of known about it. Guess we will know when we get there!

    • Kristen Greer says:

      To answer your question in John 19:38-40 I think it could be possible that he was saved, because he was there later at the burial. Joseph and Nicodemus were both members of the Jewish council and secret followers of Jesus. These men came out of hiding at his death. They may have realized who Jesus was and that realization brought out there belief.

      38 Later, Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body of Jesus. Now Joseph was a disciple of Jesus, but secretly because he feared the Jewish leaders.(B) With Pilate’s permission, he came and took the body away. 39 He was accompanied by Nicodemus, the man who earlier had visited Jesus at night. Nicodemus brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about seventy-five pounds. 40 Taking Jesus’ body, the two of them wrapped it, with the spices, in strips of linen.

  • Laura Dahne says:

    Thank you Pastor Jeff for another Christ centered, gospel centered, Holy Spirit focused podcast message. I not only appreciated these words, “counseling requires the help of Holy Spirit,” but I am in complete agreement. It’s so important to hear this again and again because SO much of the worlds psychology has blended into the Christian mind.

    I truly appreciated being reminded that not all Pharisees were in fact “Pharisees.” I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say that and it is an important distinction to make.

    I have found it to be absolutely the truth in the simplicity of your message that we must be born again! After all, how can I help anyone who isn’t being transformed from the inside out by the Holy Spirit? I once heard it said that God is not interested in behavior modification, only in life transformation. I agree!

    In last weeks message I had to laugh as you talked about the “Charis-mania” found in many charismatic churches, although certainly not all. I have found myself in your place many times in my life. I thank God for the time of my life when I was worshiping in an Assemblies of G congregation. However, I could not come in agreement with them that the only evidence a person had received the Holy Spirit was that they had the power to speak in tongues. Many tried to convince me and got frustrated with me because I could not see it in scripture.

    On the other hand, when by the Lord‘s will, I was worshiping at a Baptist church, I would often have to comment in our Sunday school classes that I was not a very good Baptist girl. After all, they were teaching that the Holy Spirit and His miracles had ceased. I felt like it was important to point out that God had chosen Paul to be the mouthpiece regarding the gifts of the Spirit and his last words on the subject were, “do not forbid the speaking in tongues.”

    I am not only thoroughly enjoying these podcast but I’m growing through them as well!

  • Melisa Stranigan says:

    Thank you Pastor Jeff for the powerful and encouraging message. This message is foundational for true transformation in the Biblical counseling setting. Faith in Jesus & the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is the remedy of true & lasting change. This is one reason so many people in the world seeking therapy remain stuck, bound, & unchanged. Man’s wisdom and therapeutic modalities are godless therefore they lack power for transformation. Paul points out the source of power in our lives. 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 ‘And my speech and my preaching are not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.’ Man cannot offer the solution, but the Spirit within causes us to walk in His statues, to grow, mature in our faith & delivers us from the bondage of sin. My life has been transformed through faith in Jesus & the truth of the Spirit is in me.

    • Yvonne Howe says:

      Melissa, I agree with you this message is foundational for true transformation. We need to trust God and the full counsel of His word to live in His victory. Thank you for sharing Paul’s words in I Corinthians 2:4-5. Paul, the podcast and your comment point us to God.

    • Ann-Louise Graham says:

      Totally agree Melissa. Secular counselling cannot point to truth and indeed restricts people from talking about it in clinical settings. I always asked myself, when I used to work as a secular therapist- what are people going to renew their minds to ? Sadly the answer is more of the world’s philosophy.

    • Laura Dahne says:

      Melisa, you said, “…so many people in the world seeking therapy remain stuck, bound, & unchanged.” I remember working for a faith based agency that cared for women caught in the cycle of addiction and mental illness. While there was a Chaplaincy department, which I was a part of, there was this sense that the only people that could really “help” the women caught in addiction were the therapists. I knew that wasn’t the truth, that only Jesus saves and heals, and now that I am going through this certification, I am learning so much About what is really behind psychology. Jesus alone truly IS The Wonderful Counselor.

      • Landon Galvan says:

        Laura I felt the same way as you in people asking if I could recommend a good therapist. And starting to feel like maybe they were right the church needs therapy. So far the 3 books I have read in this training have been immensely helpful in realizing the word of God is more than sufficient and He is the wonderful counselor.
        Especially hearing from the psychobabble book and hearing the stories of Dr.Ganz experiences as a professional.

  • Serena Chavez says:

    The statement that you made was so profound! “The church has a person, HE is the Holy Spirit, why is the church going to the world for counsel?”
    Believers need not to seek man and his set of organized exercises, or man made philosophy. Man needs true break through and that only happens at the cross, through HIS Redemptive work, by HIS blood and with the Holy Spirit. Pastor Jeff, I am truly enjoying this section of the Holy Spirit. HE is the one who lives in me and has changed my life. I need to remember to give thanks every morning for a new day to be transformed and used by HIM.

    • Laura Dahne says:

      Dear Serena, I appreciate your thoughtful response to pastors podcast.

      Isn’t it wonderful that as Holy Spirit dwells and lives in us we able to share Him with others? I think many in the world, and in the church world, are used to someone ministering only to their “intellect” but you and I know that Holy Spirit also wants to minister to people’s hearts! And those of us that are His ambassador’s are able to do that because we are experiencing Him on an ongoing basis. I am always humbled to remember that salvation is not because of anything I’ve done but rather because of everything Jesus has accomplished on our behalf!

      • Serena Chavez says:

        Amen Laura! Sorry for not responding sooner, as I am catching up on work, I wanted to comment back to you. Yes, The Holy Spirit is the only one that can get to every deep hurt, pain, thought and trauma within. Only HE knows how to minister to those hearts, so Thankful that HE sent someone in my life to minister to me and show me HIS Love.

    • Melisa Stranigan says:

      Serena I loved your response. I agree with you that people need true breakthrough. This can’t happen if we’re leaning into man’s wisdom or man made philosophy. It is the question of the year!…’why is the church going to the world for counsel?’ It baffles me. Because we as born again believers have a person and HE is the Holy Spirit living inside us who is our wonderful counselor. HE is the only one who can give us true breakthrough.

    • Ann-Louise Graham says:

      Hi Serena that truth jumped out at me too. The apostle Paul said it…why are you who are saved by the Spirit trying to walk this life out by the flesh?! Gal 3.3

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