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245: Jesus Is God The Son

245: Jesus Is God The Son

In the following series of podcast episodes, "Jesus is God the Son" will cause us to worship as we magnify the deity and sovereignty of Jesus Christ across the Scriptures.

Some verses that we cover are as follows:

• The Eternal Word in John 1:1-4: The truth of Jesus as the eternal Word who was with God and was God from the beginning, emphasizing His divine nature and role in creation.

• The Prince of Peace in Isaiah 9:6: The prophetic declaration of Jesus as the Prince of Peace in Isaiah 9:6, highlighting His authority, majesty, and role as the bringer of peace and salvation.

• The Righteous Branch in Jeremiah 23:5-6: The prophetic vision of Jesus as the Righteous Branch raised up for David, who will reign as King with justice, wisdom, and righteousness, fulfilling God's promise of redemption.

Get in Touch - -

Jeff Christianson

Biblical Counseling Academy
