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237: Humility and Faith in Soul Care

Embracing Grace in Every Aspect of Life

In this episode, we dive deep into the profound significance of grace in the Biblical Counselors walk, drawing inspiration from biblical passages that illuminate God's transformative power. 

John 1:14 sets the stage, depicting Jesus as the embodiment of grace. And in verse 16, the personal application resonates: "And of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace."

But what does this mean for us?

We explore the multifaceted nature of grace, beginning with its role in our standing before God. Justifying grace, as elucidated in Romans 3, allows flawed individuals like us to stand before a holy God, accepted and embraced solely by His grace.

But grace doesn't stop there—it permeates every aspect of our daily lives. We need it for the challenges we face, the decisions we make, and the relationships we nurture. As 2 Peter 3:18 reminds us, we're called not just to be born in grace but to grow in it, continuously deepening our connection with our Lord and Savior.

Acts 20:32 sheds further light, highlighting how the word of His grace is not only transformative but also foundational, building us up and securing for us an eternal inheritance as joint heirs with Christ.

From the assurance of our heavenly home to the ongoing process of sanctification, grace is the thread that weaves through every chapter of our lives, beckoning us to embrace its boundless gifts with open hearts.

Tune in to discover how grace isn't just a concept—it's a lived experience that shapes our journey with God from start to finish.


PS: There is an ongoing debate among friends in the Biblical Counseling Movement. I would suggest this episode will help you navigate the challenges we face as God's people.
