What You'll Discover in this Episode:
Warren Lamb is Author of Behind the Veil: Exposing the Evil of Domestic Oppression and Providing Hope.
Warren works extensively with those who have suffered significant trauma from childhood abuse and neglect, domestic oppression and abuse, sex-trafficking, kidnapping, sole-survivors of catastrophes, traumatic loss survivors, first responders, combat trauma survivors, and the like. He also works extensively with the sexually broken, including those struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction.
God desire's to bring spiritual healing to everyone through His Son Jesus. For those who have experienced abuse, it is difficult to trust any person, but there is a God that wants to restore the broken person. God wants to renew the individual, not just fix them. God alone brings about healing that no human psychology can mend. God deals directly with the individual and brings about transformation. God addresses every condition in His Word. Individuals need to be pointed to God's Word that can bring about a transformation and healing. The Word of God is what is necessary to combat the brokenness in His people. The overarching theme is that counseling broken people is only possible when God is doing the restorative work, the Bible is the tool that will bring about healing.
In this episode Pastor Jeff interviews Warren Lamb to talk about Biblical counseling for those who have endured some type of abuse. Warren is a specialist in counseling those who suffered abuse, Warren provides Biblical counseling and discipleship to address the effects of sin in a person's life. Listen to this podcast for some practical applications you can put into practice when counseling others.
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Man attempts to always explain things, through his theories, constructs and expectations. The awesome thing is that since God created all things He already has everything figured out and knows what to expect. Man’s effort, if he were truthful is really just to figure out what God already has ordained and disclosed in His Creation and His Word. Where man gets in trouble is when he forgets this perspective. Dr. Lamb is one man who clearly seeks to see what God will do and recognizes that all healing and victory in life over addictions, afflictions, circumstances and oppression (basically all sin) all come from recognizing Him and walking with Jesus.
Dr. Warren Lamb made some really good statements and gave some great insights in this interview. I loved his testimony of coming to Christ at the age of 31 after being trained in psychology, and having to deprogram himself from his training and saturate in God’s World.
Dr. Lamb said that psychology can help people cope with things, but essentially it’s putting bandaids over bullet holes. God deals with the cause of things, not the symptoms. The core issue is who they are spiritually and identifying in Christ. It all comes back to a solid understanding on the character and nature of God, and that the breakdown for most people is that they do not have a solid identity in Christ, understanding of the character of God, and confidence in who God is. These are all spiritual issues that can only find their answer sufficiently in Christ through His Word by His Spirit. Dr. Lamb said that there is no science for brain chemistry; the main issue is the heart, mind, and soul is.
I loved his comments on the recent findings in science that supports the benefits of reading Scripture aloud. Such a neat thing!
Glad you were encouraged, Neil!
Jeff asked the question? How do you help and train people in this arena without using Psychology? Dr. Warren Lamb replied you go back to Gods original order, the way God designed it a safe, caring, loving, nurturing, and God honoring relationship, ? First with their biological parents who are intended to be married their whole life, are nuclear family, siblings, extended family, grand parents aunts uncles and cousins etc. Using expanded circles of these close relationships. The greater impact of this enter core gets fractures the greater impact on the person. We were created to be in relationship with God and with each other, when this is broken it can be abusive, oppressive, etc. or on the other side abandonment and neglect. This are a gross neglect of God’s created order. This is foundational, if we don’t start here then all we are going to be able to do is put bandages over bullet wounds. We need to be able to deal with a core problem to really give them true help, not just trying to cope with things like there image or so called self esteem? The root problem is they don’t have their proper identity with God and Christ which is the foundational need of every human being. The person is being harmed because it is a gross error in the way God designed order is meant to be. We always come back to your identity is in Christ, building a solid understanding a nature of God, building a solid foundation in the nature of God and how that intersects with a persons life. This is were the breakdown always starts, identity in Christ, understanding a nature of God, building a solid foundation with God. Wow Stay with the Foundation
I love how scientist think they are ahead but they are not close, scripture has more hope and love than any self help book available.
His word could change our hearts within seconds of hearing it, medicine takes a lot of trial and error that can mess us up chemically in our bodies, His word will change our hearts, minds and souls no pill can do that
Thanks again for an amazing podcast
I was very blessed by this discussion between Dr. Lamb and Ps Jeff. Some aspects that stood out to me were that God has created us in His image and He desires that we live with Him in eternity forever according to 2 Peter 1:3. Dr. Lamb shared the dangers of psychology and how it is unbiblical, psychology teaches that we do not have a soul and that we see is the only thing that is real. Dr. Lamb also shared how God wants us to be freed from the bondage of sin and walk in the fullness of God’s love for us and to make sure we know that He loves us so much that we are worth His Son. Dr. Lamb shared how that only God can change us through His written word which has the power to transform our lives and that there is no greater power in the world than His word. He shared how we need to be careful of what the world calls addiction but Biblically is sinful behavior which stems from idolatry and we need to walk closely with God, comfort the weak and be patient with all
I really enjoyed this podcast with Professor Christianson and Dr. Lamb. It is great to see that men like these are taking seriously the need to deal with the abuse that so many have suffered. I appreciated what Dr. Lamb said about the core problems of those who have been abused: that they feel worthless and they feel responsible for what has happened to them. When people who have suffered so are not treated with the compassion and wisdom that God would have them receive, it really is like putting band aids over bullet wounds. This is treating what Dr. Lamb calls “a gross violation of God’s created order” far too lightly.
In addition, I appreciated what Dr. Lamb said about his basic approach in helping people: “We always come back to identity in Christ, building a solid understanding of the nature and character of God.” A lack of these is where the problems always start, so it needs to be dealt with God’s truth understood and specifically applied. I like the phrase he used: “Scripture saturation.”
What Dr. Lamb shared about “putting bandaids over bullet wounds” really stood out to me to David. We need to be able to get to the core of the problem which is man’s sinful nature and his inability to deliver himself. It can only be accomplished by the power of the word of God coupled with the work of the Holy Spirit in the heart and life of an individual
Agreed! Love you comments, “In addition, I appreciated what Dr. Lamb said about his basic approach in helping people: “We always come back to identity in Christ, building a solid understanding of the nature and character of God.” A lack of these is where the problems always start, so it needs to be dealt with God’s truth understood and specifically applied. I like the phrase he used: “Scripture saturation.”” — couldn’t agree more!
Glad this spoke to your heart, David. Hope this helps you as you seek to help others grow in their relationship with God in Christ.
I very much appreciated hearing the encouraging testimonies of lives changes through the sufficiency of scripture. Too often it seems the “difficult” cases are referred out specialists rather than ministered to in the body of Christ. I would love to hear Dr. Lamb’s opinion on the short term use of antidepressants in the sevearly depressed. I have read a bit on both sides of the conversation and am always curious to hear what God has taught those who have more experience than I do. How amazing that there is the hope of real change in lives, not just the surface appearance of change.
Sherra, the question you would like to ask Dr. Lamb – about the short term use of antidepressants – is a really good question! Nevertheless, I agree with you that there is the hope of real change in lives, not just surface change.
Hi, Sherra –
This is a question that arises often and is one that does not have a pat answer to it.
However, when we understand that “antidepressants” do the opposite of what they are advertised as doing (about 1/3 of people who use these psychotropics drugs become worse, not better), that they are neurotoxins designed to attack the brain and get it to stop functioning as God designed it to function, and that depression is neither a sickness or a sin, perhaps we can see that we need to reframe our understanding of “depression: and the use of antidepressants.
I know thousands of counselees who began using antidepressants as a “stop-gap” when they were in crisis, hoping that they would help them feel better and that their depression would lift. Can’t happen–these drugs are not designed to deal with the underlying issues that have caused the deep sadness, despair, hopelessness, and agonizing of the soul. Jesus Christ is the only one who can actually do any of that.
Working with a qualified biblical counselor and walking together through the underlying issues has brought healing to thousands of folks who have been relegated to ongoing bondage to pharmaceuticals in an attempt to feel better. There really IS freedom in Christ.
The Bible often speaks of miraculous healing through the work of Jesus Christ and faith in God. Our Lord is able to provide comfort and healing for all of us. When we are overwhelmed with physical issues, emotional problems, bad news, or relationship struggles, the Word of God is our only source of supernatural help. We must never give up! God promises greater things in store, a future filled with the hope of promises and blessings! Scriptures will provide; healing, encouragement, strength, and comfort as we focus on God’s will and His healing power for our lives. Praying Scripture back to God is a wonderful way to focus on his promises and provision. we can pray scripture out-loud over our life, sickness, and our loved ones. May He help us to keep our focus on Him when the pain and hurt are overwhelming. May He Help us to be faithful and to see the good and blessings that surround us. May He strengthen our mind, heart, and body, today. And may the Holy Spirit guide us in peace and comfort us, daily.
I really enjoyed this week’s podcast! I love when the Bible proves what scientists have been studying for a number of years. God is all powerful and all knowing, so He has put in His Word, 1Peter 1:3 “3 as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness…” God put everything that we need into His word! I love how God has put everything that we will ever need into His word! There is a lot of people in the city that I live in that are hurting in a lot of different ways, and are going to drugs and alcohol for the pain. When I look around, all I can see is that there is another package store on every other block in this city. God has told me to open a halfway house for men who are struggling to find a job as well as getting back on their feet. Please pray the God would guide every step. Living in the north east there are a lot of different hurdles to jump through, But with God all things are possible!
Greg, awesome work you are doing bringing God‘s healing and effective word to those who desperately need Him. The Northeast is tough. Keep pushing forward with your eyes fixed on Jesus, I am praying for you brother.
Wow, what a calling on your life. Praying that God would show you each step His plan, His time, His way. There is such a need all over the world for people to encounter a true chance at lasting change. A halfway house can provide for a much needed physical need and open the door for the even more important change that God wants to do in each of our hearts.
This was one of my favorite episodes.
There were so many good reminders.
God wanted to be in relationship with us. He made us to be in relationship with him and others. This is the original design and intention.
I thought Warren made a good point that: The closer in to center ( i.e parents, siblings) that the injury happens in relationships, the deeper the wound.
It was also helpful to hear that when counseling those who have been abused, we need to remind them that it is not their fault. They can take responsibility for their own sin, but the ones who hurt them were in direct disobedience to who God is calling them to be.
What an impactful point you re-iterated regarding wounds that come from such close relationships, like parents and siblings. It’s so important that we are seeking Jesus and to know Him So we can also share that love with others, where healing exists. Those who are abused by those who are charged with their care suffer a particularly difficult consequences from the sins of others. You’re right, that is not their fault. Only our Heavenly Father Can bring healing in those cases, and we are privileged to be tools in His hands
I agree! This was such a great reminder that God had a plan, and when we see something other happen it not only causes woundedness in man, but I think also grieves God.
Hannah, I was also interested in the point made by Dr. Lamb that “The closer in to center that the injury happens in relationships, the deeper the wound.” I wonder if he would regard that (or if we should regard that) as something of a general principle, or an absolute rule? Does it always work like that, or just generally? It certainly seems to be true according to much of our observation.
Great question, David!
I have worked with several thousand survivors of abandonment/neglect/oppression/abuse and, while this is not an “absolute rule, I have yet to see a situation when it did not prove true.
Interestingly enough, we can often see the “track and scat” of abuse in a person’s life without knowing much detail of their history before they tell it.
It’s a matter of understanding God’s design and recognizing the effects of certain violations of that design.
A child who gets the message early that they will never measure up, that they will never be good enough, and that their best will always be less than acceptable, often becomes a perfectionist.
When we someone who is a perfectionist, we pretty much know where that came from. we may not know the specifics, but we can be pretty certain of the family dynamics.
If you would like to know more, check out some of the classes and training we offer at TILBCC.com
I enjoyed listening to this podcast. I thought it was interesting that Warren Lamb has his degree in psychology yet has stepped into the role of Biblical counseling because he has seen the incredible benefits that scripture has on the life of a person who has suffered abuse. Only through God’s word does a person who has been so hurt find true healing. Psychology is not able to provide this kind of healing, only God is able. It important to understand this truth.
Amen Kristie! The only true way that we can be healed, is through the word of God! I also thought it was pretty interesting, yet pretty awesome, how Warren Lamb has a degree In psychology, and has stepped down from the worldly way of looking at things, and now looks at things through God’s eyes.
Thank you, Pastor Jeff and Dr Lamb, regarding this sensitive topic regarding people who have been abused or have been through traumatic situations. I appreciate the comments about the Lord wanting us to be restored so we can establish a relationship with Him and others. It was insightful to hear Dr. Lamb’s viewpoint regarding psychology and how it’s foundationally different from the scriptures. We don’t realize that we an come alongside the person who have been through theses situations, without referring them to a psychologist. It was insightful for me when Dr. Lamb shared how to start helping them with sharing with them about their identity in Christ and into their core being. We all need to continue to grow in their area, but some people need more assistance in this understanding. Thank you again for speaking on this issue as it was something that has helped me personally and can share with others.
Thanks Autumn for your post & I agree with you concerning the insightful declaration of Dr. Lamb that ‘psychology is different from the Scriptures’. It reminds me of the Scriptural mandate in 2 Corinthians 10:5 (casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ).
Hebrews 12:2A looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.
Thank you, indeed, Autumn. Any help we can be to you, please let us know.
I loved the mention at the very end about being called to disciple and counsel one another, as coming alongside our bretheren. We are encouraged by Scripture to build the body up, admonish one another, pray for one another, warn, and correct each other. We do that through the help of the Holy Spirit, who never leaves us or forsakes us. Jesus said , He will send us the comforter, The Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth. This is a great encouragement because Scripture also shows us and warns us to “guard our hearts for out of it flow the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23)” And that our hearts are deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Who can cure it (Jeremiah 17:9). The answer is the one who created us can cure us. Jeremiah 29:11, God promises us that He has plans for good, not of evil for us, plans for a hope and a future. The main point that jumped out to me in this podcast was that the counselee needs to know their identity in Christ. That’s what 2 Corinthians 5 :17 is all about. We are a new creation in Christ Jesus, the old has passed, the new has come. Our old life is now dead, and we are now alive in Christ Jesus. Walking in this new life is our sanctification process. We can encourage each other by reminding ourselves about God’s character- He does not change. He is a loving, compassionate, merciful, forgiving Father. He is long suffering, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Romans 8:28-29 show us that All things work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose, and it goes on to say that we are being conformed to the image of the Son; the image of Christ. John 8:36 says, “whom the Son sets free is free indeed.” One of God’s character traits is that He is omni-sapient, which means He knows what’s best for us. Faith is an action word, it calls us to walk by faith not by sight. “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Amen. Praise God! May the Lord encourage us, strengthen us, admonish us, give us discernment, wisdom, and knowledge to walk in his ways, in Jesus Name Amen! I love the encouragement that God shows in Isaiah – He says, “Come let us reason together”, in other words -let us consider. The speaker briefly mentioned this with his “chewing the cud” remark. Chewing and thinking, pondering even. God’s Word is active and powerful (Hebrews 4:12). Amen. God bless you in your walks of faith.
I agree with your post Jose; particularly in the truth that ‘we admonish one another, pray for one another, warn, and correct each other through the help of the Holy Spirit, who never leaves us or forsakes us’ (John 14:16-18 And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.). The ministry of the Holy Spirit makes all the difference in this issue of biblical counseling that causes transformation in our lives as explicitly explained by Dr. Lamb and Pastor Jeff.
Great Podcasts on ‘Counseling the Abused: An Interview with Dr. Warren Lamb’ and a repeat presentation of ‘A Journey to Biblical Counseling’, the testimony of Doctor Jean Cheng on how she came to the conviction of Biblical Counseling.
I was great blessed by Dr. Lamb’s declaration on the truth that the Holy Spirit causes transformation in our lives and that we mustn’t integrate the Word of God and the psychological theories of man. He agreed with Pastor Jeff that his ministry basically walks people biblically from brokenness to healing, maturity, stating that God desires to renew the individual and not just fix them. Dr. Lamb’s ministry provides biblical counseling and discipleship to address the effects of sin in a person’s life; declaring that individuals need to be pointed to God’s Word that can bring about a transformation and healing. The Word of God fights the brokenness in His people. The overarching theme is that counseling broken people is only possible when God is doing the restorative work, the Bible is the tool that will bring about healing.
I fully agree with Pastor Jeff and Dr. Lamb that psychology can’t fully heal a person through human understanding. God is capable of healing the individual as a whole, not just providing a quick fix (2 Peter 1:3; Hebrews 12:1-2; Hebrews 4:12).
I appreciate your insight and thoughts on this podcast. I couldn’t agree with you more about how the Holy Spirit can transform their lives. Yes, the Lord is in restoration business and I love how Dr. Lamb shares that he starts with our identity in Christ. Through understanding who we are, we can begin to heal and build a relationship with Lord and then healthy relationships with others.
You make an important distinction. We can’t heal through our own understanding, at best we can just place a bandage. It is God that can actually transform a person’s life. It is amazing to me that God allows us to be be participants and observers of the change in other’s lives. When a life is truly transformed it is like He is allowing us to share in His joy.
Love the comment of Dr. Lamb saying the Holy Spirit is God within us recognizes His Word that causes the transformation, the healing. Thanks for doing this Podcast!! Love having reminders at my fingertips to listen through.
I agree Kelli. I also thought that was a very insightful comment that Dr. Lamb brought up. As there were many great points. I liked the one you mentioned : That the Holy Spirit recognizes His word and will testify of it and minister through it. I have seen this happen in my own life and the lives of others. It is amazing that God is in us and has given us the tool of His word. It is almost as if he is right here speaking to us in the present. It seems almost like a train on train tracks, the Holy Spirit moves along the word and into our hearts.
This was absolutely fantastic! All of these podcasts have been great, but this one was probably my favorite so far. Incredibly encouraging to hear how God‘s Word has radically changed and healed people who have and are suffering some of the most difficult trauma probably known to man. I loved Dr. Lamb’s response when asked to give an example when he has walked somebody biblically from brokenness to healing, maturity, and discipleship. He answered by stating that describes probably 90% of his counseling staff. Awesome. I very much appreciated his perspective of Romans 12:1-2 “transformed“ is passive God does it as we actively renew our minds in His Word.
Science is beginning to support scripture as researchers can see the changing of the brain and healing.
We are all called as Christians to counsel. Amen.
True Tom, science should agree with Scripture in their discoveries (Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.). Some times, the conflict that exist in between science and Scripture or spirituality is unnecessary. Christians should be very happy about science, especially living in a scientific/ technological age, benefitting from it every day; understanding that God created us with the ability to investigate and to know science.
In the words of Pastor Jeff and Dr. Lamb, psychology can’t fully heal a person through human understanding but God is capable of healing the individual as a whole, not just providing a quick fix (Jeremiah 32:27 “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?).
I agree with you Tom that this was an amazing podcast and this was also one of my favorites. I loved how he starts with the core of our being and our identity in Christ. This is something that we call need to continue to remember but when someone has that part of them affected by abuse, it’s such an important place to begin. I
Rom 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing (constant) of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.The Truth and Power of Gods Word, totally sufficient. The brain can heal itself, their just now finding this out in Neurology? The author recognizes His own voice and brings transformation. You can not find a greater power in the world to find transformation then Gods Word.
Heb 4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
1 Thes 2:13 For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe. Dr. Warren Lamb has counseled more then 4,000 patients. I seen people miraculously healed, changed and transformed, wow how awesome. Prayer works
Autumn – Thank you for the encouraging words. “In Christ” and its cognates occur 164 times in the New Testament. They can be considered the two-word summary of the entire New Testament. “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free,” and “If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed.” For those who have been subjected to oppression and abuse, we frequently remind them that, “history is not destiny.”
I wrote the same thing Tom. That this was my favorite podcasts! I could sense God’s anointing and assurance and compassion all over it. Amazing to see that many of the counselors at Warren’s facility had been healed from abuse, by the truths of God’s word.
These are the frontline ministers, often overlooked, but they are working in the hard – to- get places of peoples hearts and seek to help counselees’ trust in God. I am so blessed by this. Dr. Lamb mentioned, 2 Peter 1:3 the word of God has everything we need for life and Godliness. I also thought it was interesting that he mentioned science is matching up to scripture! Thank you for sharing.
I totally agree with you Tom, we need to be reminded how God has called us to an active role in renewing our mind with the Scriptures.
Totally agree with you Tom, we are created in the image of God? You have value, God loves you, even though you have been harmed, God send His Son to die for you. God wants you to be healed from your own sins first and then to be able to get God healing from sins other people have committed upon you. This is Gods design. It makes sense you have a hard time trusting people because you have been taking advantage of? The people who where responsible did not fulfill their responsibility and sinned against God. This is not just a breakdown against you, this is a breakdown of their relationship before God. We need to help them understand it is not your fault, God is the only one who can bring life and healing into the process. We actually can give then understanding from Gods word. We use scripture saturation to help them get scripture into their heart, we read scripture out loud. We have to agree these things happened but we see the sin and we have to be able to give them to God the wonderful counselor and mighty healer. We want to be transformed?
Rom 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing (constant) of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
The brain can heal itself, their just now finding this out in Neurology? The author recognizes His own voice and brings transformation. You can not find a greater power in the world to find transformation then Gods Word.
We tap into the Word of God the author is able to do miracles. The author lives within you if you are born again you are sealed with the Holy spirit.
An excellent summary of the key points, Steve. Thank you!
Agreed! Great podcast interview! I really enjoyed hearing about the training and the counseling services he and his team provide. I’m so thankful God has called some men and women to this kind of work. The Christian Counseling world is so integrated with psychology, it’s great to hear about this work.
I appreciate your kind words, Tom. The “be transformed” is the key theme of all of the counseling we do. Once a person begins to lay hold of having their identity “in Christ,” as they renew their mind, the Holy Spirit does wonderful “caterpillar-to-butterfly” work in their lives.