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178: Walk According To The Spirit

Walk According To The Spirit

Romans 8:4 “…that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.”

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177: The Transforming Work Of The Spirit

The Transforming Work of the Spirit

2 Corinthians 3:18

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176: The Holy Spirit’s Guidance

SCROLL DOWN TO THE COMMENTS! What You’ll Discover in this Episode:                  176: The Holy Spirit’s GuidanceWe are continuing our series on the topic of the Holy Spirit. In today’s episode we will discover a Biblical Theology of the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Scroll down and leave […]

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175: The Indwelling Of The Spirit

The Indwelling of the Spirit

John 14:16-17; John 20:22
Ezekiel 36:27
Romans 8:9

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174: Pastor Jeff’s Testimony

The Holy Spirit: Conviction and New Birth by the Spirit

What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer? How does that work with each of us? In this episode, we are going to look at the Holy Spirit that gives life and sustains spiritual life in the ministry of the biblical counselor. Listen to this podcast to learn more and to hear Pastor Jeff’s testimony about the Holy Spirit.

John 16:8-11
John 3:1-7
2 Corinthians 5:17

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173: Legalism Leads To Misery

In this episode, I make comments on the topic of legalism and the booklet, Letting Go of Legalism” by Dr. Lou Priolo. Lou write, “The most common form of legalism among evangelicals today is elevating man-made rules above the directives and principles that God has laid out in His Word. It results in judging others (accusing either in one’s heart or with one’s mouth) of sinning when those man made rules are not followed. In this booklet you will gain a clearer understanding of how legalism infects us as believers, and how to recognize both doctrinal and applied legalism in one’s own life. Upon seeing it, we then can begin letting go of legalism in its various forms, truly love others, and press on in the grace and righteousness of Christ.”

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172: Are You A Legalistic Christian

Today’s episode continues the discussion about making Biblical Judgment calls. In other words, how do you recognize the good fruit versus bad fruit in a person’s life without making rash judgments? We are called to make evaluations all of the time. What are biblical warnings about unbiblical suspicious and paranoid thinking?

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171: Are You Making Rash Judgments?

This is part 2 on the topic of “making rash or righteous judgments”. How do you make judgment calls as Christians, biblical counselors, pastors, or leaders? How do you determine whether somebody is walking in sin?

A wise Christian shows discernment and knows how to judge situations, behaviors, and even people according to God’s Word. Let’s continue this discussion and learn more about using God’s standards (instead of your own) when judging.

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170: Judge Not, That Ye Be Not Judged

When should we judge and not judge? Is our judgement rash or righteous?

In this episode, Pastor Jeff Christianson brings to light Matthew 7:1-5. He also expressed his thoughts about how we should learn to judge God’s way. Listen to the full episode and learn more about making distinction between rash, sinful judgements and righteous, godly judgements.

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